Hreint & Öruggt – Clean & Safe

Við hjá Mountaineers of Iceland tökum sóttvarnir okkar viðskiptavina alvarlega. Þess vegna tökum við þátt í verkefninu Hreint & öruggt hjá Ferðmálastofu.
We at Mountaineers of Iceland are concerned about our clients’ health measures. That’s why we take part in the Icelandic Tourists’ board project, Clean & safe.
Don’t Enjoy Rush Hour?

Try our Glacier Rush tour with more power, more speed and more exclusive.
Að nýta Ferðagjöf hjá Mountaineers

Allir einstaklingar 18 ára og eldri hafa fengið Ferðagjöf að andvirði 5.000 kr. Við hjá Mountaineers of Iceland tökum á móti Ferðagjöf og bjóðum ferðir okkar á veglegum afslætti til þess að hvetja fólk til þess að ferðast innanlands.
Ice Cave Wedding

These guys had a dream of getting married in an Ice Cave.
Covid-19 – Keep calm and wash your hands

It’s very important for us that our customers are in a safe environment and therefor we keep everything clean and disinfected before customers enter our facilities for Snowmobile tours in Iceland.
Snowmobile tours in Iceland

Are you traveling to Iceland and need an activity to highlight your trip?
Cyber Monday – Discount on selected departures from Gullfoss

15% Cyber Monday
We are so excited about these Holidays.
Trailing Away – A travel story from abroad.

Iceland Snowmobile & Glacier Ice Cave Tour with Mountaineers of Iceland
Alexx & Jack Iceland Travel Look-Book

We at Mountaineers of Iceland had the chance to meet and travel with two very inspiring travel creators and would like to share the Alexx & Jack Iceland Travel Look-Book. Alexx and Jack are two friends from the opposite sides of the world, Alexx from New Zealand, Jack from the UK, who met while working […]
Elias Arnars Iceland Travel Look-Book

Time for a peek at another Iceland Travel Look-Book!
Electric Snowmobile

Taiga TS2 During March 2nd and 3rd, two representatives from the Mountaineers of Iceland attended the unveiling of a new snowmobile. This new snowmobile is an all-electric machine designed from the ground up. The makers of the snowmobile stated that they chose to start from scratch to have the total design optimized. They call it […]

Snowmobiling On A Glacier In The Middle Of A Whiteout