Iceland’s Main Glaciers

A Brief Summary of Iceland’s main Glaciers.
Iceland has multiple glaciers and some of them have become very famous. Glaciers have formed on our island over an extended period of time and are receding heavily.
Why Snowmobiling on a Glacier Should be on Your Bucket List

When travelers think of visiting Iceland, the main agenda on the top of their list is an adventure
So, why should you include snowmobiling on a trip to Iceland?
Well, whereas in other countries around the world, tour guides will take you to mountainous terrains and vast snowy tundras, here in Iceland we’re a little different.
Known as the land of fire and ice, you’ll have the opportunity to experience snowmobiling in Iceland on top of some of the world’s largest and most dramatic glaciers, which frequently sit on top of some of the world’s most active volcanic systems.
Saving the Glaciers

And the Planet, one tree at a time
Saving the Glacier with Reforestation

WHERE IS THE GLACIER? Receding glaciers is happening globally and Iceland is no exception. The world’s climate is changing and it is having a tremendous impact on our daily lives and work. In just a few short decades, there may not be any glaciers left to snowmobile on. We at Mountaineers are determined to preserve Iceland‘s precious […]
Our new snowcat.

The Icelandic Version of a Snowcat
A Brand New Ice Cave

Something incredible just happened… we found a brand new natural ice cave inside Langjökull Glacier!
What to wear in the Icelandic highlands?

A clothing guide
Top 5 waterfalls in Iceland

It’s time to explore!
The Green Future of Tourism

Emissions and reforestation When it comes to any field of our lives, we need to be aware of our environment and the precious nature that sustains all life. It is a sad fact that environmental pollution is threatening our planet and thereby our very own existence. However, there is light in the dark. When it […]
Top 5 hot springs in Iceland

The most stunning places you can’t miss
Mountaineers of Iceland support ICE-SAR

The Rescue Teams